See what people are saying about Jean-Marie!
“My knees felt so light after two days I felt like spontaneously dancing in the kitchen. (VERY unlike me!) The action delighted my dog so we danced together.” --N.C., Oregon
“I feel like a new person.” --Jennie
“After the session on Tuesday, I felt inspired and excited about what you had found and cleared in my field. I also felt and am feeling a sense of greater empowerment: more courage to just speak my truth. Somehow stronger/solid within myself –maybe more grounded?” --C. P.
“It was AMAZING!” --Carol, Oregon
“I did not realize that what appears to a patient as your simple treatment could affect blocks, etc. that occurred many years ago. I am certain this is exactly what I needed.” --Meg, Rome, Italy
“My migraine is gone!” --Tara, Los Angeles, CA
“…Following Monday’s session, later that day, I was able to release old fears and feelings from my heart, it was as if I was that child again getting to feel how I felt. The anger you sense behind the liver seemed to connect to the work we did on the high heart. I’m glad you “stirred it up” –it released with the frustrated sentiments that had been living in the high heart. I also notice that my head began energetically relaxing as if in service to my heart. Very interesting. Also the little black holes we connected between third eye and crown have brought some functioning/perception online, something that perhaps felt it could not live within the parameters of my life at an earlier time.” --Shruti, India
“My neck feels so much better today and I had a great night sleep!!!” --Gail, Vermont
“The biggest change has been my all over pain and stiffness. It’s gone! So is my swelling! My fatigue is still there, but I feel lighter, clearer, and more calm, I am feeling waves of grief, but they are becoming less often. I still feel my twin’s presence, but it’s more peaceful and still a comfort.” --Holly, Maine
“Today I was able to take a call from my ex-husband without falling apart or even losing my center. I was able to to do a lot of other things, slowly, resting a lot in between. But the main thing ism I feel like I’m going to survive. I’m moving forward. And before our session, I didn’t have that kind of optimism or wherewithal.” --Patricia, Ohio