Sound Integration Therapy

Sound Integration Therapy

Harmonize Your Being with Biofield Tuning

As we understand that every particle, atom, molecule that vibrates has sound, that our hearts have frequency; our minds have various frequencies; our blood carries frequencies of nutrients and debris; the microbes in our bellies have their frequencies; our nerve pathways have frequencies. Our frequencies tend to align with harmonics of the Schumann resonance, among others.

At times there is discord and tangling which slows our energy down and leads to dis-ease. Passing tuning forks in the energy field of the body locates the sound of energetic disturbances. The coherent frequency of the turning forks entrains with those frequencies to bring resistance into coherence and take the emotional charge from past trauma. Using crystals activated by the forks as amplifiers is also useful for clearing and providing relief from pain, anxiety, migraines, and digestive problems, among other physical disorders.

Jean-Marie uses tuning forks and sound-activated crystals to work with the body’s energy system, along the paths of the electrical current in the nervous system and the magnetic field that surrounds the body, which connects and permeates our physical bodies, influencing our conscious and subconscious minds. This can be accomplished in-person, or by distance, connecting to the morphic field.